The Speechless….

Here in the world of brilliant minds and unbelievable technology we are yet a long way from reaching humanity. True humanity would be how we treat non humans . Capturing animals in cage and using them for you entertainment! Seriously?..

Today we are at a place humans can reach the mars .The space is as accessible to us now as we considered approaching a new nation 100 years ago! We have been able to create satellites which can inform us about how life on space is like and what we are to do to make it better as a substitute after apocalypse. But today we fail to realise that making our today better is more important than tomorrow. Making those who we have more comfortable than searching for aliens, the place we have, has to be converted into a home for everyone!

We humans are smart enough to favour those who we are certain about is going to return the favour but in case of a speechless creature we play off. Just cause they aren’t smart bough to fool us and play selfish in need and break promises and turn unfaithful and be ungrateful!

Imagine your own self in a condition wher you are supposedly the deprived one and a tiger just happens to capture you and carry you all the way to the jungle and put you up in a cage and make you stay there and you see all the animals look at you and mock you! Aren’t you gonna feel that yes your freedom has been curtailed? Are you going to appreciate it? Staying there all alone with not a single soul who you can talk to , express your thoughts and understand what they are trying to tell. Won’t you get pissed off to try and break out and kill them all. But you are sourceless. And all you can do is wait until you happen to meet a fortune!

What are gonna be the thoughts in the persons head.. kill himself? Cause what is life when there is nothing you can do.. no one you can talk!

There might be people who may say that the trainers are meant to be their friends and companions… but honestly having a soul connect is a different thing but would you survive just by feeling the connect like a dumb mowgli… (at least he was free).


Writing in your own language doesn’t sometimes mean your command over it. Here I write it to display myself for my own people…. The MARTYRES and The ARMYMEN.

ख़ुशक़िस्मती तेरी, जो जान पर वो लड़ पड़े।

बस सलामती तेरी, पाने को ना वो डरे।

भूल कर वो जान को , सीमा रेखा पर खड़े।

समुद्र लहरों से लड़े, पहाड़ हो तो वो चढ़ें।

एक ही जहान है, वो सबसे महान है।

सीना तान कर भी वो , निडर अडिग बढ़े चले।

ना दुश्मनों की मार से , ना साथ लाए हार से।

जोश था वो सरचढ़ा, दिन बदिन वो बढ़ चला।

ना डर के साये से घिरा, ना ख़ून देख के हिला।

अडिग अचल वो बढ़ चला, अखंड दीप बन चला।

आँख बंद कर के भी, बस उन्हें वही दिखा।

वतन ये महान है, ये मूल दृश्य है चढ़ा।

माँ को भूल जाना हो, बेटे से दूर जाना हो।

क़दम बढ़ा के बढ़ चला, ना मूड कर वो घर चला।

माँ उसकी भी ज़रूर है, बेटा देख दुःख में चूर है।

हाँ वो उनसे दूर है।

चढ़ा जो एक जुनून है, ये देख ही फ़ितूर है।

वो देश का ग़ुरूर है।

वो देश का ग़ुरूर है।

~D Frozen Wanderer

She is meant to be…..

Adoring the stars of night she slept, Listening to the day world’s word she wept,seeing her mother to her arms she crept, because of the fear of being walked upon or stepped. She changed it all when she leapt off her guards…off the words and thoughts because she knew she ain’t meant to weep because she knew she ain’t meant only to sleep but to dream. The dream of a world where she stood ahead and upright. Above the men ,to tell each one that… Yes She’s bright and dare you take her light. She is meant to be the knight don’t just let her die before she sees even a single night, before she sees herself fulfilling her wholesome mights. Let her fight, fight for rights. To tell them for what is she meant. It’s not just the hate rather the love sent from saviours in state of you.

She sat there alone

At the corner of the road,

Looking weak and fragile

But for you few meters were

More than a million miles

To extend some help

To give her a life.

Barely covered

Trying to prevent herself from

Being shown

But oh! You are all sculptures of stones,

None of them

Put down a stole

To steal her frown.

Shivering with cold

Starving with hunger

And you pushing down,

Tons of burgers

Just before her eyes

to increase the demise.

Yes, she was there

Visible to all yet,

Noticed by none.

Now all she was,

Just a silly pun.

The corner became her home

Because she knew,

She could not live

Because she knew, she

Couldn’t survive

Of the scars and pains of the world.

Yes , she was thrown off the moving van.

Yes, she’s the daughter of that billionaire man.

Yes, it was done

Even to her…

Not by one but an entire gang.


Don’t just remain a sculpture of stone,

Even after knowing about the fact that

It could have been someone

You had known,

Someone really close to your soul.


Now be a man, a subsider of frown,

From their face

By returning them their hopes.

Weary merry

The day she was born as the apple of his eye and the jewel of her crown. Millions of dreams they had seen for her. The childhood they wanted to live again. Trembling falling rising walking running trembling…. all went on in turns, each moan of hers made them cry. Each pain she bore made them die. Durinal changes mysterious outcomes. Tomorrow for her was always something new. Whether it was Turing 10 to be a double digited or becoming 13 with all those changes hitting her in and out with millions of thought with those toxic decisions. The first intoxication the first step where she thought that would make her appear to be a teen. The first attraction or love as she said followed by confessions and considerations and many more consequences of the commitment she did. Beautiful thoughts she had having the love she wished to have. Made merry each moment after she had achieved her so called “goal” blindfolded by false reality zoned out of the path and dream she had seen to follow hence. All those changes she began to enjoy, all those problems she missed and left uncleared just for it to take a bigger avatar. Trying to be in the love she had held with force but she just missed it that….

If you wish to be loved

Give love

If you wish to live love

Give it wings

If you wish to kill love

Grab it too tight.

With herself zoning out of her live even the love she owned and held the highest preference for began to slowly but steadily haze out. Not that it shattered her instantly but to console herself there was always a reason out of the situation but yet no solution. There was a decision in favour of her pleasure despite her happiness.

But when her hand became greasy enough with lubericants to let the love move on smooth, it became impossible for her to hold on her pleasure for longer and they had began to slip and skid from her greasy fit leaving her in dispair. The person opposit to her didn’t give a damn, but still she sat there waiting and trembling , trembling to fall but not having someone to hold her up again.She destroyed the pride her father had in his eye and broke the ornament her mother had held her into.


Having access to Internet makes the world accessible to you. For me it makes you accessible to me. Having millions of options and trillions of thoughts and zillions of outcomes yet you are here investing your time over this rook. I have been writing for about a year now and this is when I decided to bring it on and express it to all. Like you ,even I had so many options that day, that time , that second but life ultimately turns out to be what has it to be at its best. And so I concluded that being from a missionary convent background and having experienced tragic and magic moments all at particular times , this seemed best to me. Though I may not be completely right in thinking so because now that it all depends upon you. Yes you and even today you have an option before you either to prove my thoughts and Outcomes over the option right or prove me to be an actual rook who knows nil about what I chose.


This seems to me like a new birth a birth of one immortal life over 7 lives. A birth of the zeal to impress before express, to write each page of my life, to scribble each moment lived by me, to be each person I have ever dreamt of, to capture each second with its flaws and charms go hand in hand

It’s the experience that speaks,

its the imagination that shouts,

& it’s the assumption that need to

bow before the world and carry

its implimentions down


This is one of the first piece of writing that can be publicly displayed because obviously you have millions of failures before you find the true intensity in the option you are trying to create.